
Friday, October 15, 2010

New Photo Caption Contest -- ends 10/17/10

Here's the Friday Photo Caption Contest!
Last week's was fun and the entries were funny!  So here's this Friday's  "Write Your Own Caption" contest -- please provide a caption for this photo in the comments below.  (Comments on Facebook will not count in the contest, your entry must be in the comments below.)
I will be the sole judge of the contest, based on how humorous your entry is.  Please, no naughty captions -- this is a family blog, strictly rated G (or at worst PG).
Winner will receive a print of the photo plus the warm glow of victory and bragging rights.  Entries accepted through 11:59 p.m., Sunday, October 17th, 2010.  Enter as many times as you'd like.
Good luck!

Click on image to enlarge
To enter Photo Caption Contest, click HERE


  1. Is it Friday yet and then I remember I'm a type setter and I work for a newspaper...I can still dream can't I.

  2. Is it I before E? Now whats the saying about the I,E, and C?

  3. Is it I before E? Now what is that I, E, & C saying? Hmmmm if I could only remember.

  4. Let's see... I could do this by hand OR invent a type-writer that fits in my lap that could store the pages I type and send them to a large printer. And do away with all these wooden drawers...

    Nahhh, it'll never catch on!

  5. A young man's dream of great expectations.

  6. To smash, or not to smash? THAT is the question!

  7. I don't care what they say about that Hawthorne Effect, I could get a lot more work done if they'd turn on that dang light!

  8. But will our emperor David Wampler really believe I'm holding an invisible tuxedo?

  9. I have an idea! I'll have my own blog featuring historic photos of Kerrville, and even a PHOTO CAPTION CONTEST!


Please remember this is a rated "family" blog. Anything worse than a "PG" rated comment will not be posted. Grandmas and their grandkids read this, so please, be considerate.