New Kerr County History Book Available!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mystery Photo -- Can you identify this building?

A friend brought by these two photos of a building marked "Kerrville."  I'm stumped.  Anyone have any idea where this building was?  Please let me know in the comments below.
Click on any image to enlarge
Kerrville mystery building, first view.

Kerrville mystery building, second view.
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  1. I am 90% certain that the building is what later became known as the "Hill Country Store," a type of convenience store.

    It existed until sometime in the 1960's.

    It was on Sidney Baker at the intersection of Jefferson, North or Barnett (I don't remember which crossroad).

    My guess is that it was North or Barnett Street.

  2. With the name Kerrville on the front, I wonder if it was near the depot?

  3. Neat shot, considering it looks antiquated even in this photo, with the painting wearing off the side, etc.

  4. Me thinks that y'all are all shooting in the dark. I don't believe that it was in Kerrville, Texas. Must have been some other place with the name of Kerrville. It was sure as heck not on Sidney Baker St. into the 1960's.

    1. You're correct. The building is in Kerrville, Tennessee. My family and I stopped there years ago and I snapped this photo.


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