
Friday, March 9, 2012

Dick Furman insurance agency

Here is a good image of the Dick Furman insurance agency.  Dick Furman is on the far right; his son Jack is next to him.  Unfortunately I do not recognize the two ladies in the photos. (Your help there would be appreciated.  Please use the comments section below.)
I remember the late Jack Furman fondly.  I remember, twenty years ago now, when I started my mayoral campaign, I went to visit Furman, hoping to get his support.  He was polite and helpful, and though I failed to get his support, he said one of the most humorous comments as I faced the campaign ahead, when I confided my concerns about campaigning as such a young candidate. "What's the worst that can happen?  You could win.  Then you'll actually have to be mayor."  As a former mayor himself, he knew what the job was like.  It was a comment I remembered...often.
Click on image to enlarge
Dick Furman insurance agency, Kerrville, around 1968.


  1. I remember the Furman family very well - great people!

  2. I didn't know much about Dick Furman's boy, but I knew Dick, and he was a very likable person.


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