
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Blueprints for Kerrville's Arcadia Theater

I think I've made my opinion clear about Kerrville's Arcadia Theater which is threatened during its current "renovations" to be irreparably harmed, never again to be a performance space.  A friend brought by blueprints for the old girl, and they sure made me want to dream about what that space could be.
Click on image to enlarge
Blueprints, Kerrville's Arcadia Theater.


  1. Sad to see that beautiful building changed so drastically.

  2. Oh, how I love that old building.

    I would so love to see it fully restored, not redesigned.

    Restoring it to its former glory would allow the people of Kerrville to
    have access to a multi-functional entertainment center, just as it was once long


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