
Sunday, March 11, 2012

The home of Kerrville's Dr. P. J. Domingues, about 1900

R. G. "Toby" Jobes sent along some images of his grandfather, one of Kerrville's earliest physicians, Dr. P. J. (Polycarp Joseph) Domingues.  Over the next few days I'll publish them here for you.
Dr. Domingues arrived here from Louisianna in 1898, seeking the dry climate for health reasons.  He delivered many a baby and mended many a broken bone here.  I think I'll start by showing the images of his house in Kerrville, at 412 Water Street.  Unfortunately, this cute little home is gone, replaced by a parking lot.
The thing I like about these photos: they show the family, and that the good doctor was a family man.
Thanks, Mr. Jobes, for sharing these with all of us.
Click on any image to enlarge.

Home of the Dr. P. J. Domingues Family, 412 Water Street, Kerrville, around 1900.
Dr. P. J. Domingues and children, 412 Water Street, Kerrville, around 1900.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that pretty little house.

    What a shame that it was torn down.


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