New Kerr County History Book Available!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

1899 Kerrville notable persons

Recently Julius Neunhoffer let me scan his copy of the Christmas 1899 Kerrville Mountain Sun, which was full of interesting photos, including a few portraits of prominent citizens.   I present them here as Grinstead, the newspaper's publisher, did -- and hope you enjoy them.  My thanks to Julius for sharing these with everyone.
Click on any image to enlarge
J. Graves Toland

R. H. Keck

Kerrville mayor W. H. Rawson

Capt. Charles Schreiner

Dr.P. J. Domingues


  1. I enjoyed seeing those photos.

    Thank you Joe, and Mr. Neunhoffer.

    Did the newspaper have a photo of
    John Howard Davis? He was the Kerr County Treasurer in 1899.

    He was also my Great-Great Grandfather. I have never seen a photo of him, so it would be wonderful if Mr. Neunhoffer's newspaper also contained a photo of him.

    Mr. Neunhoffer, do you have any photos of the old ice plant - interior, exterior, construction, or demolition?

    Thank you.

    1. Mr. Davis is mentioned, but there is no photo. Sorry.


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