
Monday, September 6, 2010

800 Block of Water Street, Kerrville

I had several requests to show the 800 block of Water Street as it looked about 25 years ago, and, looking through my files, I did have a few shots taken during that time.  Please, if you have a request, simply send me an email or post the request on Facebook.  I can't always meet your request, since I might not have any photos that match, but I'll certainly give it a try.

Some of the businesses along that block are shown in these photos -- how many of them do you remember?

Click on any image to enlarge
800 Block of Water Street, 1980s, Kerrville

800 Block of Water Street, 1980s, Kerrville

800 Block of Water Street, 1980s, Kerrville

800 Block of Water Street, 1980s, Kerrville
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  1. I'd love to see pics of the stores in downtown Kerrville back in the late 1970's. I miss them all - The Vogue, Anthony's, Ken and Marys Tot & Teen, Rags by Richla - all in the 800 block,and my fave - The Now Shop, was next to the Arcadia.

  2. I remember all of these stores.

    I miss the Kerrville of this era.

  3. I even remember the "Mode O' Day."

    It was a very small shop located just west of the Arcadia.

    Who now owns the Arcadia and the old Schreiner Bank buildings?


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