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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Prayer event planned for young Peyton Behrens

From my Facebook friend Pam Likin:

Peyton Behrens
"Hey Joe.... The event Prayers for Peyton Behrens, a young Kerrville boy who has been diagnosed with Leukemia, will be held on Tuesday, September 6th at 7 pm on the lawn in front of the Kerr County Courthouse. Mike Burroughs of the Living Waters Church will be the keynote speaker/Prayer Leader for our EVENT, and music will be provided by a local group of musicians. I have sent an article to the KDT.  I sent out over 80 "invitations" so far to churches and other religious organizations and asked that they announce our event in their Sunday Services, encourage their congregations and affiliates to attend, and to post an event flyer on their bulletin boards. !!!!!  Some of my friends have also taken flyers and are helping get the word out to the general public. If you could HELP us get the word out?????? Please post this on YOUR page and encourage all your friends to attend. On the bulletin i also stressed that we would NOT have chairs nor everyone should being their own seats and something to drink! Thanx for your help Joe! Appreciate YOU!!!!
Nothing would please me more than for this event to be a HUGE success! I'd LOVE to see the lawn COVERED with Peyton Supporters."

For more information, you can visit a page set up for Peyton on Facebook:   Please share this link with your Facebook friends by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. I live very far away and cannot attend the service, but this child will remain in my prayers!


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